Studying in Mainz (Incoming)

You have received your education outside Germany? You would like to study either Mathematics, Meteorology, Computer Science or Physics in Mainz? Or do your doctorate in one of these subjects? We are looking forward to meeting you!

Exchange students
You are already studying Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or Meteorology at a university outside Germany and would like to study at JGU during a stay abroad.

International students
You went to school and/or university outside Germany and would like to do your entire Bachelor's and/or Master's program in Mainz.

International PhD-students:
You received your graduate degree from a university outside of Germany and would like to do your PhD in Mainz.


Collection of useful links for incoming students and scholars


Overview: Johannes Gutenberg-University & region


General information for international applicants and students


Welcome Center for International Scholars
(but also useful information for any incoming person)



    Highly recommendable coaching portal to assist you in preparing your research stay. After your registration you will get information on all relevant steps for your stay abroad along with a schedule for compliance with all required deadlines. You also find hints, information and personal accounts about life in Germany and, especially, in Mainz. We would therefore highly recommend that you register via JoGuGATE once your research stay is certain.


Support for Ukrainian students and academics


Visa & residence permit






Taxes and tax identification number


City of Mainz

