Help desk

Range of services related to the degree programs at the Faculty 08 (Fachbereich 08)
In our virtual help desk, we offer a wide range of services related to the degree programs. The buttons lead to the different services and information.
 Do you have a question for the Student Advising Office ("Studienbüro") or the Departmental Advisory Services ("Studienfachberatung")? You can share your concerns via our contact form. |
 You can find all employees of the Student Advising Office and the Departmental Advisory Services, as well as of the Student Councils ("Fachschaften") and the Examination Boards ("Prüfungsausschüsse") in the list of the important contact persons. |
 If you have problems with JOGUStINe, for example with registration or examination results, you can find here “first aid” for JOGUStINe. |
 The answers to frequently asked questions are classified by topic for you in the FAQs. |
 There are many important facts about examinations students should know. Find information in the interesting facts about examinations. |
 During your degree program, you will be confronted with new terminology. Our glossary will clarify the most common terms and keywords from A to Z. |
 To keep your bearing on campus, our campus guide shows you the most important buildings and institutions. |
 All courses are listed in the official JGU course catalog, organized by semester, faculties and subjects. |
 You can find all important documents for your degree program such as examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnungen"), module catalogs ("Modulhandbücher") and curricula ("Studienverlaufspläne") in our download center. | |