Here you can find an overview of the current and future courses in physics, separated by science degree programs (B. Sc./M. Sc.) and teaching degree programs (B. Ed./M. Ed.).
Winter Semester 2024/25
Winter Semester 2024/25 - Physics Science
Introductory Classes
- Einführungsveranstaltung Physik B.Sc./B.Ed./Angewandte Physik B.Sc. ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick; Dr. Christian Schmitt; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
- WS24/25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (A) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Experimentalphysik 1" im WS24/25 ( apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth ) Lecture
- WS24/25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (B) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Physik für Chemiker, Biologen und Geowissenschaftler" im WS24/25 ( apl. Prof. Dr. Georg von Hippel ) Lecture
Courses for Bachelor of Science
- Experimental Physics 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Walz ) Lecture/practice class
- Tutorial Experimental Physics 1 ( Dr. Sabine Alebrand; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge; Dr. Michaela Thiel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Windpassinger ) Tutorial
- Experimental Physics 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Hug ) Lecture/practice class
- Tutorial Experimental Physics 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Aulenbacher; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge; Dr. Michaela Thiel ) Tutorial
- Experimental Physics 3, Waves and Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gradl ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 4, Scales and Structures of Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Maas ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 5a, Atomic and Quantum Physics ( Dr. Hendrik Bekker ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 5b, Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ. Prof. Dr. Niklaus Berger ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 5c, Condensed Matter ( Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Amann-Winkel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods ( Prof. Dr. Jens Erler ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 1, Theoretical Mechanics ( Jun.-Prof. Michael te Vrugt ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 2, Electrodynamics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Weinzierl ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 3, Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 4, Statistical Physics ( Prof. Dr. Hans Jockers ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 5, Advanced Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Vanderhaeghen ) Lecture/practice class
- Laboratory Course 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Laboratory Course 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Course 1 ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Theoretical Mechanics ( PD Dr. Christian Bogner ) Lecture/practice class
- Plattforms and Applications of Quantum Technologies ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ) Lecture/practice class
- Medical and Radiation Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Aulenbacher; Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lecture/practice class
- Technical Mechanics and Construction Methodology ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Randolf Pohl ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Course 2 ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Technology of Vacuum and Low Temperatures ( Timo Stengler ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Foundations ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Harvey Meyer ) Lecture/practice class
- Signal Processing ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Böser ) Lecture/practice class
- Laboratory Course Signal Processing ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Böser ) Lab Course
- Computers in Science ( Dr. Dalibor Djukanovic; Dr. Luca Doria ) Lecture
- Practical Training on Computers ( Dr. Dalibor Djukanovic; Dr. Luca Doria ) Lab Course
- Physics and Skills Seminar ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig; Dr. Duc Bao Ta ) Seminar
- Seminar on Possible Thesis Subjects ( apl. Prof. Dr. Harald Merkel ) Seminar
- Climate Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volkmar Wirth ) Lecture
- Introduction to Advanced Materials - From Soft Matter to Hard Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui; PD Dr. Timo Kuschel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert ) Lecture/practice class
- Programming for Physics ( Dr. Rainer Wanke ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Programming ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wand ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Software Design ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Hildebrandt ) Lecture/practice class
- Data Structures and Algorithms ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Schömer ) Lecture/practice class
- Computer Architecture and Organization ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. André Brinkmann ) Lecture/practice class
- Accelerated Computing with GPU ( Felix Jacob Kallenborn ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Programming Lab ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wand ) Lab Course
- Mathematics for Physicists I ( PD Dr. Matthias Schneider ) Lecture/practice class
- Tutorial Mathematics for Physicicsts 1 ( PD Dr. Matthias Schneider ) Tutorial
- Tutorial Mathematics for Physicicsts 2 ( PD Dr. Margarita Kraus ) Tutorial
- Mathematics for Physicists 3b ( PD Dr. Margarita Kraus ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematics for Natural Scientists 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Hanke-Bourgeois ) Lecture/practice class
- Lecture: Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists I ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Christoph Düllmann ) Lecture
- Exercise: Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists I ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Christoph Düllmann ) Practice class
- Laboratory course in Inorganic Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists ( Dr. Samer Amayri; Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Müller; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Reich ) Work placement
Courses for Master of Science
- Experimental Physics 5a, Atomic and Quantum Physics ( Dr. Hendrik Bekker ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 5b, Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ. Prof. Dr. Niklaus Berger ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 5c, Condensed Matter ( Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Amann-Winkel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 5, Advanced Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Vanderhaeghen ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6a, Relativistic Quantum Field Theory ( Dr. Felix Yu ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6b, Advanced Statistical Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6c, Theoretical Quantum Optics and Many Body Physics ( Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter van Loock ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6d, Theoretical Solid State Physics ( Prof. Dr. Olena Gomonay; Dr. Alexander Mook; Prof. Dr. Jairo Sinova ) Lecture/practice class
- Organic Electronics ( Prof. Dr. Paul Blom ) Lecture/practice class
- Climate Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volkmar Wirth ) Lecture
- Introduction to Advanced Materials - From Soft Matter to Hard Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui; PD Dr. Timo Kuschel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert ) Lecture/practice class
- Quantum Spintronics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jakob ) Lecture/practice class
- The Physics of Stars ( apl. Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lecture
- Kristallsymmetrie und Materialeigenschaften ( Martin Letz ) Lecture
- Basics of Orbital Physics in Solids ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Yuriy Mokrousov ) Lecture
- Elementary and Advanced Linear and Multilinear Algebra for Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Papadopoulos ) Lecture
- Theoretical Molecular Physics ( Dr. Konstantin Gaul ) Lecture
- Quantum Optics (Q-Ex-1) ( Dr. Ulrich Poschinger; Dr. Arne Wickenbrock ) Lecture/practice class
- Particle Detectors ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lucia Masetti ) Lecture/practice class
- Symmetries in Physics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Georg von Hippel ) Lecture/practice class
- Accelerator Physics ( Prof. Dr. Winfried Barth; Dr. Robert Heine ) Lecture/practice class
- Particle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Büscher ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Nuclear Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sonia Bacca ) Lecture/practice class
- Seminar I - Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig ) Seminar
- Seminar II - Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Björn Sören Schlimme ) Seminar
- Seminar (M.Sc.) - Solid State Physics ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Jure Demsar; Jun. -Prof. Dr. Angela Wittmann ) Seminar
- Seminar (M.Sc.) - Quantum Physics ( Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jamir Marino ) Seminar
- Precision Fundamental Physics (Q-Ex-4) ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Randolf Pohl ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Subatomic Physics ( Dr. Nils Hüsken ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Astroparticle and Astro Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics ( Dr. Carlos Miguel Tamarit Degenhardt ) Lecture/practice class
- Neutrino Physics ( Prof. Dr. Alfons Weber ) Lecture/practice class
- Flavour Physics: Theory and Experiment ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gradl; apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Project 1 (MSc) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Project 2 (MSc) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
Other Courses
- Speak your Science ( apl. Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel ) Lecture
Winter Semester 2024/25 - Physics Education
Introductory Classes
- Einführungsveranstaltung Physik B.Sc./B.Ed./Angewandte Physik B.Sc. ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick; Dr. Christian Schmitt; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
- WS24/25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (A) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Experimentalphysik 1" im WS24/25 ( apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth ) Lecture
- WS24/25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (B) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Physik für Chemiker, Biologen und Geowissenschaftler" im WS24/25 ( apl. Prof. Dr. Georg von Hippel ) Lecture
Courses for Bachelor of Education
- Experimental Physics 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Walz ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Hug ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 3, Waves and Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gradl ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods 1 ( Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods 2 ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Harvey Meyer ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Laboratory Course 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Experimental Laboratory Course 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Theoretical Mechanics ( PD Dr. Christian Bogner ) Lecture/practice class
- Physics Specific Didactics 1 ( Andreas Pysik ) Seminar
- Physics Specific Didactics 2 ( Jan Gläser ) Seminar
- Practical Course in School Experiments 1 ( Dr. Christian Schmitt ) Lab Course
- Principles of Physics Didactics ( Andreas Pysik ) Lecture
Courses for Master of Education
- Experimental Physics 4, Scales and Structures of Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick ) Lecture/practice class
- Theory of Relativity and Statistical Physics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Virnau ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Course (Part A) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Course (Part B) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Teacher´s Lab 2 ( Jan Gläser ) Lab Course
- Theoretical Physics 2 ( Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ) Lecture/practice class
- Theories and Research in Physics Didactics ( Andreas Pysik ) Lecture
- Physics Education at Secondary Level ( Daniel Schallus ) Seminar
- Advanced Laboratory Course ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Climate Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volkmar Wirth ) Lecture
Other Courses
- Speak your Science ( apl. Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel ) Lecture
Summer Semester 2025
Summer Semester 2025 - Physics Science
Introductory Classes
- Einführungsveranstaltung Physik B.Sc./B.Ed./Angewandte Physik B.Sc. ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick; Dr. Christian Schmitt; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
- SoSe25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (A) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Experimentalphysik 1" im SoSe25 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sonia Bacca ) Lecture
- SoSe25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (B) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Physik für Chemiker, Biologen und Geowissenschaftler" im SoSe25 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
Courses for Bachelor of Science
- Experimental Physics 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge ) Lecture/practice class
- Tutorial Experimental Physics 1 ( Dr. Hendrik Bekker; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gradl; Dr. Robert Heine; Dr. Michaela Thiel; Frederik Wauters ) Tutorial
- Experimental Physics 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Walz ) Lecture/practice class
- Tutorial Experimental Physics 2 ( Dr. Sebastian Baunack; Simon Friederich; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Maas; Dr. Michaela Thiel; Dr. Andreas Thomas ) Tutorial
- Experimental Physics 3, Waves and Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods ( Prof. Dr. Julia Harz ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 1, Theoretical Mechanics ( Prof. Dr. Jens Erler ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 2, Electrodynamics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid ) Lecture with practice class
- Theoretical Physics 3, Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 4, Statistical Physics ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Harvey Meyer ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 5, Advanced Quantum Mechanics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth ) Lecture/practice class
- Laboratory Course 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Laboratory Course 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Course 1 ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Theoretical Quantum Physics ( PD Dr. Christian Bogner ) Lecture/practice class
- Engineer Project Practical Course ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Randolf Pohl ) Lab Course
- Experimental Physics A, Atomic and Quantum Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Windpassinger ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics B, Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Büscher ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics C, Condensed Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui; PD Dr. Timo Kuschel ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Solid State Physics ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Jure Demsar ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Course 2 ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Mathematical Foundations ( Dr. Carlos Miguel Tamarit Degenhardt ) Lecture/practice class
- Electronics ( Dr. Duc Bao Ta ) Lecture/practice class
- Laboratory Course Electronics ( Dr. Duc Bao Ta ) Lab Course
- Computers in Science ( Dr. Rainer Wanke ) Lecture
- Practical Training on Computers ( Dr. Rainer Wanke ) Lab Course
- Physics and Skills Seminar ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Maas; Prof. Dr. Alfons Weber ) Seminar
- Seminar on Possible Thesis Subjects ( apl. Prof. Dr. Harald Merkel ) Seminar
- Programming for Physics ( Dr. Christian Schmitt ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Programming ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Schömer ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Software Design ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wand ) Lecture/practice class
- Programming Languages ( N.N. ) Lecture/practice class
- Computer Architecture and Organization ( Univ-Prof. Dr. Bertil Schmidt ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Programming Lab ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Schömer ) Lab Course
- FPGA Programming ( Univ. Prof. Dr. Niklaus Berger ) Lecture/practice class
- Database Systems/Information Systems ( Jun.-Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Bouros ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ( Dr. Luca Doria ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematics for Natural Scientists 1 ( Dr. Cynthia Hog-Angeloni ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematics für Natural Sciences 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Hanke-Bourgeois ) Lecture/practice class
- Laboratory course in Inorganic Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists ( Dr. Samer Amayri; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Reich ) Work placement
- Lecture: Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists II ( N.N. ) hybrid: Lecture
- Exercise: Chemistry for Physicists and Geoscientists II ( N.N. ) Practice class
Courses for Master of Science
- Theoretical Physics 5, Advanced Quantum Mechanics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6a, Relativistic Quantum Field Theory ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Vanderhaeghen ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Physics 6d, Theoretical Solid State Physics ( Prof. Dr. Olena Gomonay; Dr. Alexander Mook; Prof. Dr. Jairo Sinova ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics A, Atomic and Quantum Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Windpassinger ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics B, Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Büscher ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics C, Condensed Matter ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui; PD Dr. Timo Kuschel ) Lecture/practice class
- Simulation Tools ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Böser; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Randolf Pohl ) Lecture/practice class
- Calorimeter for Particle Physics ( Dr. Dalibor Djukanovic ) Lecture
- Scintillator- and Cherenkov-Detectors ( Stefan Schoppmann ) Lecture
- Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory ( Dr. Konstantin Gaul ) Lecture
- Modern Methods in Condensed Matter Physics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Jourdan ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Polymer Physics ( apl. Prof. Dr. Burkhard Duenweg ) Lecture/practice class
- Statistics, Data Analysis and Simulation ( Dr. Lukas Koch ) Lecture/practice class
- Astroparticle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Böser ) Lecture/practice class
- Particle Physics ( Dr. Nils Hüsken ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to Lattice Gauge Theory ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig ) Lecture/practice class
- Introduction to String Theory ( Prof. Dr. Hans Jockers ) Lecture/practice class
- Effective Field Theories ( Matthias König ) Lecture/practice class
- Computer Simulation in Statistical Physics ( Dr. Nancy Carolina Forero Martinez; Dr. Lukas Stelzl; apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Virnau ) Lecture/practice class
- Seminar I - Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tyler Kutz ) Seminar
- Seminar II - Nuclear and Particle Physics ( Dr. Christoph Redmer ) Seminar
- Seminar (M.Sc.) - Biophysics ( Dr. Nancy Carolina Forero Martinez; apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Virnau ) Seminar
- Seminar (M.Sc.) - Solid State Physics ( Jun. -Prof. Dr. Angela Wittmann ) Seminar
- Seminar (M.Sc.) - Quantum Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dmitry Budker ) Seminar
- Photonics (Q-Ex-2) ( Dr. Arne Wickenbrock ) Lecture/practice class
- Quantum Information (Q-Ex-3) ( Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter van Loock; Dr. Ulrich Poschinger ) Lecture/practice class
- Quantum Computer Programming (Q-Ex-5) ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Subatomic Physics ( Björn Sören Schlimme ) Lecture/practice class
- Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics ( Dr. Felix Yu ) Lecture/practice class
- Superconductivity in Accelerator Physics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Hug; Timo Stengler ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Project 1 (MSc) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Project 2 (MSc) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
Other Courses
- Writing Matters ( apl. Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lecture
- Algebraic Renormalization ( HD Dr. Rainer Häußling ) Lecture
Summer Semester 2025 - Physics Education
Introductory Classes
- Einführungsveranstaltung Physik B.Sc./B.Ed./Angewandte Physik B.Sc. ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick; Dr. Christian Schmitt; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
- SoSe25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (A) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Experimentalphysik 1" im SoSe25 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sonia Bacca ) Lecture
- SoSe25 Mathematischer Brückenkurs (B) für Studienanfänger zur Vorbereitung auf die Vorlesung "Physik für Chemiker, Biologen und Geowissenschaftler" im SoSe25 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller ) Lecture
Courses for Bachelor of Education
- Experimental Physics 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jochen Walz ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Physics 3, Waves and Quantum Mechanics ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods 1 ( apl. Prof. Dr. Georg von Hippel ) Lecture/practice class
- Mathematical Calculation Methods 2 ( Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ) Lecture/practice class
- Experimental Laboratory Course 1 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Experimental Laboratory Course 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lab Course
- Electrodynamics ( Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ) Lecture/practice class
- Physics Specific Didactics 1 ( Andreas Pysik ) Seminar
- Physics Specific Didactics 2 ( Jan Gläser ) Seminar
- Teacher´s Lab ( Daniel Schallus; Prof. Dr. Klaus Wendt ) Lab Course
- Principles of Physics Didactics ( Andreas Pysik ) Lecture
Courses for Master of Education
- Theoretical Quantum Physics ( PD Dr. Christian Bogner ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Physics Topic ( Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer ) Lecture/practice class
- Common Physics Concepts ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Hug; apl. Prof. Dr. Georg von Hippel ) Lecture/practice class
- Advanced Laboratory Course (Part A) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Advanced Laboratory Course (Part B) ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
- Practical Course in School Experiments 2 ( Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm ) Lab Course
- Theories and Research in Physics Didactics ( Andreas Pysik ) Lecture
- Advanced Laboratory Course ( Dr. Peter Blümler ) Lab Course
Other Courses
- Writing Matters ( apl. Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti ) Lecture
- Algebraic Renormalization ( HD Dr. Rainer Häußling ) Lecture