As a first-year student, we recommend that you attend both the preparatory course “Mathematics” and the introductory course prior to the start of the lecture period. During this introductory period, you will receive information on your degree program and on necessary steps, such as how to register for courses and examinations on JOGUStINe.
Modules and courses
The program is a so-called modularized program, meaning that it is structured into different modules. A module describes a combination of teaching units that are self-contained and coordinated in both topic and time. The modules’ contents are geared towards a targeted qualification. A module normally consists of different courses, e.g. lectures, practice classes, internships/lab courses, and/or seminars and is usually completed by passing one or more examinations.
At the beginning of your program, you are required to attend so-called compulsory courses – these consist of mandatory lectures and practice classes. The compulsory courses serve as a foundation for your program, and once you have completed your third academic semester, you will be able to register for so-called compulsory elective courses. These courses allow you focus on your specific fields of interest. Compulsory and elective courses are marked as such in your examination regulations (in the attachment) or the module catalog.
Courses are usually marked with so-called credit points (CP), also referred to as ECTS credits. Multiplied by 30, their value adds up to the total hours of work invested into a course. 5 CP equates to roughly 150 hours. As 30 CP is the recommended amount per semester, you can expect a high weekly workload.
During the first academic semester in particular, students often register for more courses than recommended. Please keep in mind that, on top of lectures and practice classes, you have to put a lot of time into working on the weekly worksheets as well. At the beginning of the degree, a lot of students tend to struggle with the mathematical requirements. This should by no means be underestimated.
Recommended courses in the first semester
Starting in the winter semester, you should attend the following courses:
- Lineare Algebra und Geometrie I (Linear Algebra and Geometry I)
- Einführung in die Programmierung (Introduction to Programming)
- Technische Informatik (Computer Science Engineering)
Starting in the summer semester, you should attend the following courses:
- Lineare Algebra und Geometrie I (Linear Algebra and Geometry I)
- Einführung in die Programmierung (Introduction to Programming)
- Formale Sprachen (Formal Language)
Registration for courses and examinations on JOGUStINe
You have to register for all your courses before the lecture period starts! You need to register via JOGUStINe. You can log in to JOGUStINe with your password – which is sent to you by the Data Center (Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, ZDV) – and register for modules, courses and examinations.
For a detailed description of the registration process, please click on the link below:
"Lernwerkstatt Mathematik"
Jeder Studienanfänger kennt früher oder später vermutlich diese Probleme:
"Mein Kopf raucht, beim Übungsblatt komme ich irgendwie nicht weiter..."
"Ich habe hat zwar 'was raus', bin mir aber nicht sicher, wie ich es aufschreiben soll..."
"Im Grunde habe ich es verstanden, aber ich muss es noch üben, damit es richtig sitzt..."
"Zu Hause gibt es für mich zu viel Ablenkung, um mich mal richtig in die Aufgaben zu vertiefen..."
Die Lernwerkstatt Mathematik bietet Studierenden die Möglichkeit, den Stoff aus den Vorlesungen gemeinsam zu wiederholen, die wöchentlichen Übungszettel zu bearbeiten und zu diskutieren, und sich dabei voll und ganz auf Mathematik zu konzentrieren. Das offene Forum richtet sich vor allem an Studierende der Bachelorstudiengänge Mathematik und Informatik, die die obligatorischen Anfängervorlesungen in Mathematik besuchen. Die Arbeit in Gruppen steht dabei deutlich im Vordergrund. Betreut wird die Lernwerkstatt durch mehrere Mathematikstudenten aus höheren Fachsemester, die als Tutoren die Aufgabenstellungen erklären und neue Ansätze und Denkanstöße in die Diskussion einbringen.
Zeit: Mo-Do, jeweils 15:00-18:45 Uhr
Ort: Zentralmensa, Theke 3 und 4
Eine Anmeldung zur Lernwerkstatt ist übrigens nicht erforderlich.
Kommen Sie einfach vorbei!