The degree program “Master of Science Computer Science with Minor in Physics, Mathematics or Biology” is an interdisciplinary program. In addition to Computer Science, students must choose a further specialization subject: Mathematics, Physics, Atmospheric Physics or Biology. The standard period of study is four semesters.
During the first two semesters (in so-called adaptive modules), students will either focus on the basics of their specialization subject or the basics of Computer Science. This depends on the type of Bachelor’s degree the student previously acquired. In so-called extension modules, students have the opportuntiy to delve deeper into the content from previous qualifications in Computer Science, either simultaneously or subsequently. In their area of specialization, students attend additional courses at the Master’s level in Computer Science and their chosen specialization subject. During the third and fourth semesters (in so-called final modules), students participate in a Master’s thesis seminar, and complete their Master’s thesis and final examination. The Master’s thesis is usually based on a current research assignment. The process takes place under the guidance of a Computer Science lecturer and a specialization subject lecturer. The Master’s thesis seminar serves to prepare students for their upcoming research assignment. Students will present and discuss the results of their research in the final oral examination.
Adaptive modules (27 CP)
First to second semester
- Students with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science attend basic lectures in their chosen specialization subject (lectures and courses).
- Students with a Bachelor’s degree in their specialization subject attend basic Computer Science lectures (lectures and courses).
Extension modules (26 CP)
First to third semester
- Students take two specialized modules, consisting of a lecture, a tutorial, a seminar and a lab course
Area of Specialization (24 CP)
First to third semester
- Attendance of Master’s level lectures in Computer Science or the chosen specialization subject
- At least 12 CP must be obtained in the specialization subject
Final modules (43 CP)
Third to fourth semester
- Master’s thesis seminar, Master’s thesis and final oral examination
- Under the guidance of a Computer Science lecturer and a specialization subject lecturer
Detailed information on modules and courses is provided in the respective examination regulations and module catalog. All documents are available in the download center.