These pages will provide you with the most important information about the start of your program in order to make the initial phases of your degree as stress-free as possible. During the semester break and prior to lectures, first-year students (Bachelor and Master students) have the opportunity to attend important introductory courses. In these courses, you will receive recommendations for your degree program and explanations on aspects such as how to register for courses and examinations using the administration software JOGUStINe. During this period (c2), you can also sign up for courses and complete your schedule in time for the first week of lectures. Any necessary changes can still be made during the first week (c3). Exam registration takes place later on during the lecture period (ex) prior to course registration for the following semester (c1).
In order to help you plan your degree, study schedules are available that provide you with an example of how to structure your program. The study schedules provide you with an idea of how you can structure your courses if you start your degree either in the winter semester or the summer semester. It is not compulsory that you follow these exemplary study schedules. Depending on aspects such as background knowledge and abilities, advanced students tend to deviate from these schedules and end up creating their own.
The program is a so-called modular degree program, meaning it is made up of various modules. A module describes a combination of teaching units that are self-contained and coordinated in both topic and time. The modules’ content is based on the skills required for the intended qualification. Modules therefore consist of various courses, including lectures, practice classes, internships/lab courses and/or seminars. A module is usually completed by passing one or more examinations.
Courses are usually graded using so-called credit points (CP) otherwise known as ECTS credits. This value multiplied by 30 signifies the total workload in hours required for this course. For example, the default value of a four-hour lecture with a two-hour practice class is equivalent to nine credits, amounting to a total of 270 hours. In addition to attending the course and the corresponding practice class, this also includes preparation as well as post-processing of lectures, solving weekly worksheets, researching comparative literature and participating in the maths workshop, etc. The ratio between attending lectures and learning independently is 1:2.
Please keep in mind our comprehensive offer for Bachelor students to facilitate transition from school to university: Advanced students on the student council will help you find your way around the Institute of Mathematics and give you information of the staff. You will also have the chance to take part in a campus tour, go to the professors’ favorite café (also known as the "Prof-Café"), take part in a pub crawl and much more. These activities take place three weeks prior to the beginning of the lecture period. On top of this, the Institute of Mathematics will provide you with mathematical problems that occur in our everyday lives as well as brain teasers in order to spur your interest in mathematics.