The teaching degree program “Master of Education Computer Science” consists of Computer Science and one other specialist field, which has to be either Mathematics or Physics. Besides attending courses on teaching methodology, students also register for Education Studies. The standard period of study is four semesters.
In the first two semesters, you will complete a compulsory elective module containing courses in Technical Computer Science, Applied/Practical Computer Science and/or Theoretical Computer Science. Besides lectures with practical classes you will also participate in a seminar. In the second and third or in the third and fourth semester you will complete another compulsory elective module containing two courses with practice classes, furthermore a module in teaching methods in Computer Science.
In the third or in the fourth semester you will exercise your acquired knowledge in a project-based practical course. Provided you won’t have written your bachelor’s thesis in Computer Science, your master’s thesis can be written in Computer Science.
Compulsory elective modules
First to second resp. second to third semester
- courses in Technical Computer Science, Applied/Practical Computer Science and/or Theoretical Computer Science (lectures, practical classes, seminars)
- possible focuses: Software Engineering, Databases, Soft Computing, Modeling and Simulation, Computer Graphics, Internet Technologies
Teaching Methods in Computer Science
Second to fourth semester
- specialization in teaching methodology in particular types of schools besides methods in application of the subject in classroom (lectures, practical classes and seminar)
Project-based practical course
Third resp. fourth semester
- practical application of acquired methods and techniques in systematic development of software systems
- labored software engineering in work groups
You will find more information on the modules and courses in the respective examination regulations and module catalog. All documents are available in the download center.