Credit points which you achieved during your studies abroad will be recognized by JGU Mainz as long as there is no significant difference between the credits achieved and the requirements of your study program at JGU Mainz.
It is a program requirement that you draw up a so-called Learning Agreement before going abroad if you are studying abroad within the ERASMUS+ scheme . It is strongly recommended to all other students who are going abroad to study to draw up such a Learning Agreement, too.
The Learning Agreement states which courses you will attend abroad and which courses in your regular study programme at JGU can be substituted by those. The Learning Agreement is drafted after consulting your departmental ERASMUS coodinator (or your department's study advisor in case you are not going abraod within the ERASMUS+ scheme) and needs to be signed by him/her. Get information on the classes offered by your host institution during the according term(s) before meeting with your coordinator/advisor. Please remember to also check which classes are still missing in Mainz. If possible, bring the following documents to the meeting: your transcript of records and information about the host institution's classes (excerpts from the online course catalogue, the module handbook, student's handbook etc.).
If you are already abroad and notice that certain courses in your Learning Agreement will not take place as expected, please contact your ERASMUS+ coordinator or your department's study advisor to discuss changes to your Learning Agreement.
After your stay abroad turn to your ERASMUS+ coordinator or departmental study advisor. Your courses and achievements can be recognized and appear in JOGUStINe only after filling in the so-called Anerkennungsantrag (request for recognition) for your respective field of study. Please send the filled-in document with your suggestions for recognition to your ERASMUS+ coordinator or departmental study advisor via email and set a date to discuss your suggestions. Please bring your Learning Agreement and any proof of attended courses or acquired achievements to get your paperwork signed. With the signed form turn to your student advising office, which coordinates the further recognition process and will finally enter your courses and achievements in JOGUStINe.
You will be notified about the recognition or refusal of your request by letter. You are free to object to the decision. Please find the according information on your letter.
If you went abroad within the ERASMUS+ scheme, please remember to send a copy of your recognition notification or the Transcript of Records (Sending Institution) to the ERASMUS+ office.