Language Courses and Summer Schools


Language courses allow you to gain or expand your skills in foreign languages. Specialised courses, however, deliver technical knowledge, e.g. a new programming language, working with LaTeX or how to conduct research in particular data bases. Summer schools could either work mor like specialist courses or they are dedicated to broader research questions, which are tackled internationally as well as interdisciplinary, e.g. "Water as a Basic Right" or "Human-Machine-Interaction".

While there is a database run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to search for language courses, there is no such database for specialised courses or summer schools. Here you have to rely on your own research talent. Summer schools by international partners of the department are often advertised through posters in the department's hallways - keep your eyes open!

Language and specialised courses as well as summer schools are often offered for a fee. Here are three criteria which are important for deciding whether the offer is a good deal or rather a rip-off:

1. If the provider is a university - is it accredited under the regional state law?

2. Quality: Is the course offered by a renowned institution? What experience does the provider have? How qualified are the teachers? How large are the groups? How are they composed?

3. Are you getting your money's worth? How many lessons are offered? an you acquire a certificate - is it internationally recognized? If you can earn ECTS - will they be recognized by JGU Mainz? Are accomodation, maybe lunch or excursions already included in the fees?


Further Information and Funding Options